Wednesday, July 26, 2006


so, i took my final last night.
wasn't too bad.
then the 4 of us that had studied together went out to
eat, drink, & celebrate!!!

so, now we wait and watch for grades to be posted. only 136 days left until gradution. i've got one more class (legal & ethical environment of business), which should be pretty interesting. so i've got until aug. 21 to play and work on some of my personal projects! it should be nice.

my grandmother's birthday is this weekend, but she was in the emergency room last night, and one of her sisters and nieces is coming to visit this weekend. my mom is mad at the doctor because he told the assisted living place to send my grandmother to the hospital, but didn't admit her. so my mom took her back to the assisted living place at 9 last night (which is about 45 min away). my mom wasn't upset by having to take her back, but why did he tell her to come to the emergency room, if he wasn't going to do anything?!? and now my mom is frustrated because she doesn't know what she should do about this weekend, we were all going to go out to eat, but now she isn't sure that is a good idea. but she doesn't know what to fix for 12-16 people to eat. and she doesn't "technically" know that our aunt and cousin are coming to town. she only knows because my grandmother actually remembered to tell her. she asked my uncle about it, but he wasn't really helpful. plus, this aunt has tried to give my mom a hard time about my grandmother being in an assisted living place anyway. but my mom is doing the best she can. of course, i told my mom she should just pretend she doesn't know about our aunt and cousin coming and we can go get mammaw and do something with her. then i said that was petty and mean. but it was how i felt.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

The End. (almost)

so, tonight was the last night of class. exam is tuesday, with two study sessions before then. it was boring as usual. the man just does not make stuff interesting. it just seems to be especially difficult after a long day at work following several other long days at work (and the study session last night), which all followed way too short a weekend. hopefully this weekend will be a bit better.

my best friend and her husband are coming home (yay!).

i think i'm mostly just tired and i want to vegetate my brain, just a little. which means i should probably be getting ready for bed instead of sitting here writing this. plus, for now i don't want my husband to read this, and he is sitting behind me. i know that sounds bad, but i promise it isn't.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

the rolly polly

so, after having gone to study-group and talking to my friend/classmate cosmo, i've decided that dr. chang is only mostly soul-less. so, dr. chang is often wont to blah-blah about absolute nothingness at the beginning or end of class, heck, sometimes in the middle of class. when he begins his pointless ramblings, i usually just tune him out. yesterday he was blah-blahing about what he should do about a student who wanted to take an incomplete in the course, should he curve their grade and give them the same final the rest of us would take, blah-blah-blah. of course, we had no clue who (or what) he was talking about, someone said that if the other student had been attending class and participating, give them the curve and someone else said she didn't care if he gave them the same exam, we are after all graduate students. if someone is stupid enough to tell someone else what is on the exam, they are just hurting their own curved grade.

so, my friend cosmo had missed class last thursday and then arrived late yesterday, i didn't think too much of it, just wondered what was up. so after class i asked cosmo where he had been. he told me that last wednesday his brother (that lived with him) and died in his sleep. come to find out, cosmo's mom, step-dad, other brother, and one sister were all on a cruise in Greece, and his other sister lives in Louisiana, so he had to pretty much deal with everything on his own, including telling his grandparents. :(

i felt so awful for cosmo, i can't imagine the pain and heartache. so, you've probably guessed by now where this is going. that's right, dr. chang was talking about my friend cosmo at the beginning of class. when cosmo had first talked to dr. chang and asked to take an incomplete to have some time to grieve (and clean his house, he's been staying at his mom's b/c his brother's stuff is all around his house) before having to study and deal with taking a stupid economics final. so, dr. chang decided to be a total *bleeeeep* and told cosmo that if he took an incomplete that he would have to take an exam that no one has ever passed, and would not be included in the curve. ?!?!?!!?!?!?!? i was soooo ticked off last night, not that i've really liked dr. chang all semester anyway. fortunately though, dr. dickens, cosmo's professor for finance (which he was also taking this summer) is being totally cool and helpful and letting cosmo take an incomplete. so, cosmo came and study with sharon, Nancy, and me tonight and will study with us on Sunday and Monday too. Then we will have the exam on tuesday and none of us will have to look at dr. chang again.

p.s. when i was so ticked last night, i said dr. chang would come back in his next life as a mosquito, but after straightening some stuff out, it upgraded him to a rolly polly.


so, i guess this is where i introduce myself, right? see? i told you this would be cliche, or lame, you choose.

so i'm 1/2 a DINK (double-income-no-kids). i'm 25, married to a wonderful man, have a good job (although stressful right now because i just got a promotion), i'll finish my MBA in december, and i have to absolutely adorable cats (that i'm allergic to).

i live near the coast, you figure out where that means. i'll give you a hint, i'm a GRITS.

so now that this has gotten pretty silly, i'll publish my introduction and come back later with the dirt i really want to post.