Sunday, September 19, 2010

sunday sermon

when a sermon can hit on lady gaga and halo reach, and still be awesome you know you are missing out on something. check out Overlook Presbyterian Church

Thursday, September 16, 2010

ABC's of me

since i'm trying (but still sucking) at blogging again, i thought i'd give this a go. got it from ellis' blog over at passmorefun

A is for AGE - 29

B is for BED SIZE - Queen

C is for CHORE YOU HATE - bathing the dogs? i don't really like any chores, but i do them just the same

D is for DOG'S NAME - harper and evey (they are both girls)

E is for ESSENTIAL "START YOUR DAY" ITEM - a nice shower. coffee is nice, but since i don't really drink caffeine anymore, not necessary. i still enjoy my decaf though and we've been having homemade smoothies for breakfast too. particularly nice while it is still so warm out.

F is for FAVORITE COLOR(S) - purple

G is for GOLD OR SILVER - Silver

H is for HEIGHT - 5'6"

I is for INSTRUMENTS YOU PLAY - i played flute and piano back in the day, don't really play anything now

J is for JOB TITLE - accountant

K is for KIDS - see "D"

L is for LIVING ARRANGEMENTS - a nice house that is not in any city limits (stupid wacky semmes city limits)

M is for MOTHER'S NAME - mary

N is for NICKNAMES - not applicable

O is for OVERNIGHT HOSPITAL STAYS OTHER THAN BIRTH - probably when i had surgery on my throat when i was 1.5 years and when i had meningitis when i was in 4th grade

P is for PET PEEVES - people mispelling queue (as in waiting in a line {queueing up} or "somethings on your queue to be processed")

Q is for QUOTE FROM A MOVIE - "time not important. only life important" "me fifth element - supreme being. me protect you."


S is for SECRET CRUSH -nobody

T is for TIME YOU WAKE UP - 6:15 on weekdays- not by choice!

U is for UNDERWEAR - definitely, huge fan


W is for WORKOUT STYLE - non-existent =( i'm working on it, i'm just so busy

X is for X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD - teeth, sinuses, chest...i guess that's it

Y is for YESTERDAY'S BEST MOMENT - going to sleep? it was a pretty good day overall

Z is for ZOO FAVORITE - i guess monkeys, oh and peacocks! i haven't been in so long

link in the comments if you do this, so i can learn something about you too!

Monday, September 13, 2010