Friday, April 17, 2009

been a long time

i know it has been quite awhile since i've posted much of anything. there has been a lot going on in our lives this year, i haven't decided what of that i want to share yet. BUT... since i've updated my photo slide show on the right ---> with spring pictures, i figured i need to put something else here instead of pictures of my fall project. since i can't access anything like that right now, i'll just let you know that i'll be attending a mother/daughter brunch tomorrow at my church. i WILL have pictures. mostly because i've been asked to assist my dad with the "portraits" and take "party pics". several women of the church have been asked to set a table for the brunch. my mom and i will be doing one and i'm excited to see all the other beautiful tables! there will definitely be pics of those on here, i'll probably just link to my picasa album of the other pics. i'm not cool enough to know how to set up albums on a web-site like my dad. speaking of which, he has more really cool pics up, you should check them out at He has been working on portraits and i'm sure he'd be interested in doing more if you need new family pics. with spring here in full force he and my mom have been journeying to dauphin island to go birding, he's gotten some great pics there and at their house too. that's my update for now, look for some pics to come soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yay for update!