Thursday, April 05, 2012

updates galore

adoption: i know i said i would keep you informed of what was going on, but it turned out there wasn't much to say. it took about 3 weeks for the social worker (martha) to call and get my individual interview scheduled. it was long, but went well. there wasn't anything to hide, but after all the information we had to provide in our application i couldn't imagine what else she could want to know. turns out, not a lot, apparently i had done a good job with my personal profile and had answered most of her questions. that was in late february. travis had his individual interview on march 7th. it went well too.
the monday after travis' interview i got a call from martha to set up the home visit. we scheduled for the following tuesday (march 20th). it was perfect timing. just enough time to get some cleaning done that hadn't been done because of a family emergency (i'll get to that), but not enough time to flip out and try and clean the house from top to bottom. which probably would have resulted in a larger mess. we had some putting away to do in our bedroom, but the guest room (future nursery) was the room that needed the most attention. and yes, i'm ashamed to admit it, some things kind of got squeezed into closets. (we{i} have a good bit of stuff to sort throw and donate/throw out) oh, my parents dropped by the night before to bring some flowers for the table and my dad very sweetly cleaned the dog slobber off our backdoor window =)

martha didn't bring her white gloves to the visit to check for dust, she just needed to know that our house was decently clean (not unhealthy), that it is safe, and that we have room for a baby. she had to meet our dogs (even though she is afraid of dogs) and ask us even MORE questions. it went well too.

since then she has been working on getting out home study document written (takes 2-3 weeks) and we are working on getting our adoption profile book done. this is a book full of pictures and information about us for women to look at when picking an adoptive family for their baby. we have been slow about starting on it, but should be able to order our books this weekend.

other things: march was a crazy month, i'm glad we have moved into april and that things are slowly (but surely) getting better and back to normal. the beginning of march my "baby" brother and his wife were involved in an incident that left them quite shaken and with some pretty bad injuries that required surgery. the important thing is that they are alive and that God was protecting them. they are both working towards recovery, but still have a lot of physical therapy ahead. they are looking forward to an upcoming vacation they already had planned. i'm sure it will be great!

so basically we are trying to finish up our profile book and ever so gradually work towards getting the guest room more ready to house a baby, and just praying for some peace while we wait for martha to call and tell us we are going to be parents. i say we are praying for peace because some friends of ours who adopted through the same place waited a year on their son. it will be worth it in the end, but some days it feels like we've been waiting forever since we started trying to build our family.

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