Monday, October 26, 2009


ha! sorry, not me, 'provident woman' head on over. you could win some (what i'm sure are) awesome honey products. provident woman's husband is a bee keeper and she makes lip balms and lotions. how neat!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day

Each year, over half a million dreams are shattered. Out of 3.3 million babies born alive, some 30,000 die during the first 28 days. Another 39,000 babies are stillborn. Miscarriage occurs in fifteen to twenty percent of pregnancies, while ectopic pregnancy occurs in one percent. This day effects so many people. I f you have never yourself lost a baby, surly you know someone who has.Today is the day to honor those babies, so I am asking you all to do that today, sometime, some way.
If you yourself have lost a child/ren allow me to honor your sweet baby today by leaving a comment and tell me a little something about your precious angel. I'll start. If you want to leave a message of support for those mommies and daddies that have lost precious babies do that in the comment section too.
~~I'll be praying for you today.~~

p.s. i reposted this/copied from sorry kate, i should have put this the first time