Thursday, September 16, 2010

ABC's of me

since i'm trying (but still sucking) at blogging again, i thought i'd give this a go. got it from ellis' blog over at passmorefun

A is for AGE - 29

B is for BED SIZE - Queen

C is for CHORE YOU HATE - bathing the dogs? i don't really like any chores, but i do them just the same

D is for DOG'S NAME - harper and evey (they are both girls)

E is for ESSENTIAL "START YOUR DAY" ITEM - a nice shower. coffee is nice, but since i don't really drink caffeine anymore, not necessary. i still enjoy my decaf though and we've been having homemade smoothies for breakfast too. particularly nice while it is still so warm out.

F is for FAVORITE COLOR(S) - purple

G is for GOLD OR SILVER - Silver

H is for HEIGHT - 5'6"

I is for INSTRUMENTS YOU PLAY - i played flute and piano back in the day, don't really play anything now

J is for JOB TITLE - accountant

K is for KIDS - see "D"

L is for LIVING ARRANGEMENTS - a nice house that is not in any city limits (stupid wacky semmes city limits)

M is for MOTHER'S NAME - mary

N is for NICKNAMES - not applicable

O is for OVERNIGHT HOSPITAL STAYS OTHER THAN BIRTH - probably when i had surgery on my throat when i was 1.5 years and when i had meningitis when i was in 4th grade

P is for PET PEEVES - people mispelling queue (as in waiting in a line {queueing up} or "somethings on your queue to be processed")

Q is for QUOTE FROM A MOVIE - "time not important. only life important" "me fifth element - supreme being. me protect you."


S is for SECRET CRUSH -nobody

T is for TIME YOU WAKE UP - 6:15 on weekdays- not by choice!

U is for UNDERWEAR - definitely, huge fan


W is for WORKOUT STYLE - non-existent =( i'm working on it, i'm just so busy

X is for X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD - teeth, sinuses, chest...i guess that's it

Y is for YESTERDAY'S BEST MOMENT - going to sleep? it was a pretty good day overall

Z is for ZOO FAVORITE - i guess monkeys, oh and peacocks! i haven't been in so long

link in the comments if you do this, so i can learn something about you too!

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