so, i guess you want to know how we told the fam. well, since friday was my birthday, i kinda expected that we would go to dinner with my parents, but no invitation was forthcoming. we had been out at lunch time and had gone to moe's (yum!) so we just had leftovers at home. i decided as one last not healthy eating hurrah and because it was afterall my birthday, that we should go get some dessert. as we headed home from baskin robins i called my parents, i figured we would just stop by to show them some "cool" pictures i had taken, but they didn't answer. i called my dad's cell phone and it turns out that they went out to dinner without me. =( we went home and i was somewhat sad that i didn't get to tell them. the next day (saturday) i went to see my great aunt and spend some time with my best friend elizabeth (whom i told, she was very excited for me!) and travis went to see one of his friends in mississippi. when i left visiting my friend my phone showed that my parents had been trying to call me, so i called and they invited us to dinner, but since i was the only still in town, it was just me. i headed to their house and watched them finish taking down their christmas tree and then handed my mom my camera to check out my neat picture. she figured it out immediately and was so excited, as was my dad. they were both cute about the whole thing! later that night i caught my brother on chat and sent him an e-mail with the pic, he was over the moon excited also. can you feel the love?
travis didn't let me send the pic to his mom for a couple of days, and then he wouldn't even tell her to check her e-mail. to quote her reaction "i can't breathe, i'm going to have a heart attack!" needless to say, she was very excited also.
JAN 6 - the nurse called today to schedule my appt, i didn't get a choice, she just told me that my ultrasound would be on jan 23 at 8, my appt with dr p would follow, and a blood draw before i leave. kinda stinky that i have to wait until the end of that week, but that also happens to be travis' b-day! so, we've decided to just take the whole day off. now, for a 2.5 week wait.
JAN 10 - 5 weeks today "appleseed":

Your embryo (looking kind of like a tadpole) is starting to form major organs (heart, kidney, liver, stomach) and systems (nervous, circulatory, digestive). Baby's presence in your uterus triggers production of hCG (the hormone detected by pregnancy tests)... which triggers production of other hormones like estrogen and progesterone... which trigger all those great symptoms you've probably been noticing!
only, i haven't really had any symptoms, except the horrible boob pain which started new year's night. fun stuff, but i'll gladly take it to finally get and stay pregnant. our little appleseed could quite possibly have a heartbeat now. how cool is that? only the size of an appleseed and have a beating heart! God is certainly amazing. tic toc, still almost a full two weeks until the ultrasound. i'm perfectly happy to be one of those strangely blessed women (like my mom) who really don't experience the yuckiness the first trimester tends to be for many, but an occaisional symptom would be reassuring that things are still going strong done there.
JAN 17 - 6 weeks today "sweet pea":
Growing like crazy, baby is starting to sprout eyes, ears, nose, cheeks and chin. Those little hands and feet- still webbed like paddles- might wiggle by week's end, the heart is beating (almost twice as fast as yours!), and blood is starting to circulate.
i can't believe our sweet pea is a quarter of an inch long! really nothing new to report, still not much in the way of symptoms. the boobs still hurt and there is some tiredness. the closest thing to classic symptoms is the burping and a bit of heartburn. my mom says she was never sick with me and only for a week first thing in the morning with my brother. so, i may just luck out. of course, another friend of mine said that she could time how far along she was because the moment she turned 7 weeks she was as sick as a dog.

you know how when you get a new phone or new car, suddenly you see them everywhere. naturally now that i'm finally pregnant, i know 4 other ladies who are too. there are two more that i'd really like to join me on this wonderful journey and hopefully it will happen for both of them soon. to finish, when i sent my brother an e-mail telling him about what was going on with his niece or nephew this week, he sent me back this picture and ask was i having a seahorse. i told him that i was. how cool is that, you can see the heart and brain, where the eyes will be, just amazing.
JAN 22 - tomorrow is the big day, our first ultrasound. i've been kind of anxious. mostly excited, a little bit nervous. i know that the baby itself won't look like much more than a little blob, but i'd really love to see it's heartbeat. i want to be measuring on schedule and for everything to be perfect. i know we don't always get what we want and for people who struggled to get pregnant, finally getting pregnant doesn't suddenly mean that everything will go fine. we (my friends emily and patrick and i) are throwing travis a surprise 30th birthday party tomorrow night. i'm pretty excited about that and hope all goes well. my brother and his girlfriend will be coming home tomorrow too, so i'll see them on saturday. anyway, i just don't know how i'll be able to stand myself until 8am tomorrow, but i'll make it some how.
JAN 23 - yay! everything went fine and there is a little blob in there (this is what travis called it the other day, and my mom doesn't like us to call her grandchild that. however, that is what it looks like at this point, a wonderfully perfect blob) i really wasn't even nervous, other than we didn't get there a few minutes early like i wanted to. we saw the blob pretty quickly and could see the flicker that was the heartbeat. then she (the tech doing the ultrasound) told me to be real still and she would try to play the heartbeat and measure it for us. and it was AMAZING! not quite the beautiful, teary eyed moment i thought it might be, but SO COOL none the less. she showed us the yolk sac with the baby (the yolk sac is way bigger at this point) and told me that the baby is measuring 5 weeks 6 days. so, we'll be in a holding pattern at "sweet pea" for another week. then she took a few more measurements for the dr. she printed us a few pics and burned us a cd, then we went to meet with the dr. he was very happy with everything and assured us that due to how tiny they are and that a mm difference in measurements would mean a difference of 4-5 days that it was ok that i was measuring behind where we thought i would be. and to be on the safe side (that is the side i like) he is bringing us back in in two weeks for another peak and measurements. so, i'm breathing easier-ish for now. and will have much relief and probably open the floodgates (of letting people know) if all goes well at my next appointment. now a two week count down until feb 6. and without further ado, i present "the blob"
FEB 2 - reached 7 weeks over the weekend "blueberry":

Baby's brain -- both hemispheres! -- is growing fast, generating about 100 new cells every minute. Arms and legs are emerging as joints start to form, and a permanent set of kidneys (baby's third!) is now in place
i e-mailed my brother this week's update and this was his response: "haha you now have fruit inside you! lol the fruit of your womb" how cute is he? apparently he has already asked my mom about 20 times in the last week when my appointment is. i also told him the other day that the baby is due the day of the first troy home game of the 2009 season against UAB. he called to tell me that it was unacceptable and that something would have to be done. lol i thought it was hilarious, of course my mom ruined it by telling him that due dates don't really mean anything.
travis told me the other day that one of the happiest moments of his life was right after i found out i was pregnant and jumped on the bed to wake him up and tell him. awww, isn't that sweet. i'm still feeling fine other than being tired and sleepy. particularly today because we went to a super bowl party last night and didn't get home until after my new bed time.
well, there are only about 87 more hours until our ultrasound and i think we are both getting excited. i still have a little apprehension after getting low results on some of my blood work last week, but the dr increased my medicine, so hopefully everything is fine. i also picked up my prescription for my prenatals today. i think they are the ones i tried the sample of last week, i'll try to at least get through most of this month. however, if they are the same ones, they smell like vanilla, and i don't know if i can take them. yuck! well, i guess that is it until friday, say your prayers!
FEB 6 - "the ultrasound" - i have decided that fridays, first thing in the morning, is the worst time to go have an ultrasound. we got there a few minutes early, no one else was in the waiting room and no one was at the desk either. we just waited. slowly people started filling up the waiting room, mostly older ladies in for bone density and mammograms. and one couple who was quite pregnant. finally a staff person showed up at the desk. about 25 minutes after our appointment time the other couple (that showed up after us) was called back by the ultrasound tech that i like. i was a bit aggravated that i was having to wait longer and would get another tech. *sigh* oh well. a few minutes later a tech came from the main office to get us from the ultrasound waiting and took us back to a ultrasound room in the main office. i was excited to see what changes our baby had gone through in those short (and long) two weeks. i had been scouring the internet for pictures of what our baby might look like.